Mosaic Theotokos of the Sign

Mosaic Theotokos of the Sign, Theotkos with Christ mosaic, mozaik Bogorodica Znamenja


Icon (mosaic) of Mother of God ” Of the Sign” (мозаик Богородица Знамења), is a type of Icon of the Theotokos where She is depicted either full lenght of half, facing us, with with her hands raised in the orans pose and with the Christ-child Emmanuel depicted in circular mandorla at her bosom. This type of Icon is also called Platitera (Πλατυτέρα).

Mosaic of the Theotokos of the Sign is made for Chruch of the Three Holy Hierarch in Brasov, Romania 2017.

Mosaic Theotokos, detail

Working on mosaic face of the Theotokos using Direct method.

Mosaic Theotokos of the Sign, Mother of God of the Sign, Mozaik Bogorodica



Mozaik Bogorodica Znamenja

Working on face of Theotokos in mosaic.


Mosaic Christ Emmanuel in Mandorla, Hristos Emanuil u medaljonu mozaik

Christ-child Emmanuel depicted in circular mandorla (mosaic)


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